2nd Thursday every month is market day at Cirencester, when farmers bring to market live stock to sell and buy. Today’s was business as usual, well almost, the mood was a bit lack lustre for some with grumblings of cattle feed costs the main topic and the obvious consequences it brings, impacting on pig sales most notabley with some piglets selling for as little as £10.00 each.
Steve Kincart of Burley Fields Lake Farm took along fully ready Beef, his Hereford, Dexster & Dexster Cross fetching between £100.00 and £135.00 per Kilo so he was pleased.
Poultry did pretty well with fine examples on show and sheep did very well said Chris Voyce Of Voyce Pullin, with a spread of stock going to local butchers and some to supermarket chains.
Buy British, Buy The Best
Buy British, Buy The Best