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'My View' Runner Chases The Severn Bore Nr Minsterworth At Sunrise. 13th January 2013


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Andy Sharpe

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Heron In Flight

Giving Me The Slip 09.01.11

South Cerney Angling Club Lake 1 & 2 Wick Water

I spent some time today taking pictures of the Heron, well trying anyway, he’s not always a welcome visitor to the lakes but as usual kept giving me the slip each time I got within shouting distance. The loud bang from the bird scare gas gun at best makes him blink, but any movement that seems like a mile away and he’s off. So, we have this on going battle, I move into position, he sees me the other side of the lake and takes off, so I move round the other side and he lands across the lake in front of me, where he takes flight again and this goes on and on, until he thinks he’s given me the slip and heads off to lake 1 or lake 23, I sneak off around the other side of lake 1 where the winter sun is getting low now , I’m lucky, I just about get into position by hiding behind a tree and get a few shots, still at 300mm and just about qualify as photographs worth viewing, this time it only took me about 2 hours !